Australian High Commission

Witnessing Signatures (Statutory Declarations and Affidavits)

Fees Apply to all Notarial Services

Notarial services are available by Appointment only. Please select Statutory Declarations, Affidavits, Oaths or Affirmations, or Power of Attorney/Will (as applicable)on the booking page. If you select the wrong service, we may not be able to help you at the appointment time. More information, including booking policy, is available here.

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As each document is different, consular officers at the High Commission are not able to provide advice on the requirements of your particular document.  It is your responsibility to check with the originator or end user of the document whether an Australian Consular Officer is able to witness your signature on the document.

We are unable to witness signatures on documents for visa and migration purposes.  Please refer to our Visas and migration page of our website for further information.

We are only able to witness documents to be used in Australia and are not able to witness documents with another country's legislation.

Statutory Declarations

High Commission staff can only witness an Australian Statutory Declaration for use in Australia.  Witnessing signatures on Commonwealth or State and Territory statutory declarations is available by Appointment only.  Please bring your original identification documents containing your photo and singanture to the appointment. 

Please select Statutory Declarations on the booking page if you select the wrong service, we may not be able to help at your appointment time.

Download Blank Commonwealth Statutory Declaration


An affidavit is a legally binding statement of fact to be presented as evidence in court or other legal proceedings.  The person making the affidavit must take an oath (a sworn commitment based on religious belief) or make an affirmation (a secular sworn commitment) that the contents of the affidavit are true and correct.  It is generally an offence to swear to, or affirm, false information.

The High Commission’s role is to witness the affidavit and administer the oath or affirmation.  It does not attest to the authenticity or truth of the content of the evidence or information.

Before booking an appointment for an Affidavit check the following with the recipient or a legal representative:

·         Do you and the witness need to sign or initial each page?  Or do you only need to sign one page?

·         Do you have any exhibits to the affidavits?  And what wording needs to be written on each exhibit?

Please bring along clear instructions, your ID (contianing photo and signature) and your affidavit including all exhibits and attachments.

Further information is available at Smartraveller.

Powers of Attorney

For information on powers of attorney for each state visit and , or consult an Australian Legal Practitioner. 


Most wills do not require an authorised witness.  The Australian High Commission is unable to witness international wills.

For information on wills for each state visit , or consult an Australian Legal Practitioner

These services are available by Appointment only.  Please select Affidavits, Power of Attorney or Wills on the booking page.  If you select the wrong service, we may not be able to help at your appointment time.