Fees Apply to all Notarial Services
In accordance with the Marriage Act 1961, a marriage cannot be solemnized in Australia unless a notice in writing of the intended marriage is given to the authorised celebrant performing the marriage ceremony.
Step 1 - Make an appointment for “Notice of Intended Marriage”. This services is available by Appointment only. Please select Notice of Intended Marriage on the booking page. If you select the wrong service, we may not be able to help at your appointment time. More information, including booking policy, is available here.
Step 2 - Visit the Australian High Commission at your appointment time
Things to bring:
1. Identification document that includes both your signature and your photograph.
2. Your completed Notice of Intended Marriage Form (See the form for instructions on how to complete). Do not sign the form before visiting the Consulate.
3. A credit card. Please see Fees for details.
Step 3 – Submit your form to your authorised celebrant performing the marriage ceremony. You are unable to submit (or lodge) the form to the High Commission. You can find a list of Marriage Celebrants here. For information on registering your marriage in Australia see Births, Deaths & Marriages Registering Authorities in Australia.